
In 1976 God led Mel Hall, aided by the devoted support of his wife, Barbara, and the energy of their seven children to found the Calvary Baptist Church. Calvary is located in the same community where the Halls had grown up, married, and originally settled. Pastor Hall’s family, with the assistance of a dedicated family in Rockledge, PA and some summer intern preacher boys, knocked on doors in the community, shared the gospel of Jesus Christ, and saw souls saved and discipled. This core of believers and new converts became the Calvary Baptist Church. The Great Commission has always been the master plan for growth and ministry at Calvary. God has always been faithful as His Word has been preached and put to practice. Matthew 28:19-20: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Pastor Jim Martin joined the young work in 1981, first as an unpaid seminary student seeking practical training. This ultimately led to a full time pastoral position upon his graduation. He began assisting Pastor Hall on staff at Calvary in 1983 and ultimately became the Senior Pastor in 2008.

Pastor Hall faithfully pastored Calvary until his retirement in 2008. However, he still remains active in the ministry at Calvary and wherever opportunity presents itself.

Coming Events


03apr10:00 am12:00 pmLadies' Breakfast & Bible StudyStudy in Esther

05apr10:00 am12:00 pmCalvary ClubK-6th Grades

06aprAll DayCalvary Singers Concert9:30 AM - Sunday School Hour

06apr10:00 am12:00 pmCommunion Service10:30 Morning Service

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