
Adult Retreat

We sponsor an Adult Retreat, generally taking place the weekend before Thanksgiving in November. It provides a wonderful time to get away from the distraction and challenge of routine life and focus on the Word of God. It also affords adults the opportunity to invite their friends and acquaintances to participate. What a wonderful time to spend getting to know God better, taking inventory of your personal spiritual life, and getting to know other Christian adults better!

Other Activities

From time to time we have other special adult activities like day trips to places of historical or seasonal interest, dinners, concerts, games, special meetings, etc.


Men's Retreat

Our Men’s Retreat usually takes place on a weekend in March and provides a time to gather around the Word of God. We bring in a great speaker for the weekend and encourage our men to bring their friends and contacts. The singing preaching are always spectacular.

Men's Prayer Breakfasts

Every Tuesday morning at 6:00 AM we have a men’s prayer fellowship at church. Our men, young and old, gather to share new requests, update known requests, and then take the requests of their church family to the Lord in prayer. Following the prayer meeting, those who are able join together for breakfast and fellowship before getting into the flow of the new day.

From time to time our men meet together for special Saturday Men’s Prayer Breakfasts. These breakfasts generally include fellowship around the table and a special speaker. Our young men are invited to attend with their elders.

Father/Son & Men’s Camping Weekend

Each September we have a special Men’s camping weekend. We encourage our fathers to bring their sons and those without sons to host a young man for the weekend. This is a special time away—great food and fellowship—but always with a good singing, a special speaker, and great preaching.


Ladies' Retreat

Our Ladies’ Retreat usually takes place on a weekend in April and provides a time to gather around the Word of God. We always have a guest couple for the teaching and preaching. As always, the fellowship is refreshing, the singing is sweet, and the preaching of the Word is challenging.

Ladies’ Breakfast and Bible Study

Once a month (generally the 1st Thursday of the month at 10:00 AM) from September to May, our ladies meet on a Thursday morning for our Ladies’ Breakfast and Bible study. Calvary Baptist ladies host the breakfast and invite their neighbors and friends to join them for breakfast and study. We always have a nursery and junior church for those with young children.

Ladies’ Fellowships

On designated months from September to May our ladies meet on a Friday evening (generally the 2nd Friday of the scheduled months) for our Ladies’ Fellowships. In December, there is a special Christmas banquet and in May a mother-daughter banquet.

Young at Heart (Over 50)

From time to time our 50 and over church members gather for a special activity such as a covered dish dinner, dinner out, or even a prayer breakfast.

Coming Events


28feb7:00 pm9:00 pmLadies' FellowshipGod's Goodness and Provision


01mar8:00 am9:00 amMen's Breakfast

02mar6:00 pm7:00 pmCommunion Service6 PM Evening Service

06mar10:00 am12:00 pmLadies' Breakfast & Bible StudyStudy in Esther

07mar7:00 pm10:00 pmYouth Game Night

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