

At Calvary, we count it a privilege and are excited to minister to those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or in any way hearing impaired. In addition to our regular worship services (signed for the deaf), we periodically have special activities with the purpose of outreach to the deaf community. We annually host a deaf weekend and bring in a deaf preacher or evangelist specific to that purpose. We are committed to the outreach and discipleship of the deaf and hard of hearing, therefore we are endeavoring to raise up a generation of workers competent in ASL. At present we have a host of children and adults who are in various stages of learning basic sign language and several who are competent in ASL. Not only do we try to make sure that all of our worship services are signed for the deaf, but any of our activities or retreats where there is the need are signed as well. Feel free to call us using TTY.

Coming Events


28feb7:00 pm9:00 pmLadies' FellowshipGod's Goodness and Provision


01mar8:00 am9:00 amMen's Breakfast

02mar6:00 pm7:00 pmCommunion Service6 PM Evening Service

06mar10:00 am12:00 pmLadies' Breakfast & Bible StudyStudy in Esther

07mar7:00 pm10:00 pmYouth Game Night

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